Have your summer body now!

June 25, 2018

Have your summer body now! Edmonton

  • Summertime is the best time of the year to show off your well-sculpted body. It is quite fun to flaunt your well-toned body while on the beach. However, it can turn out to be a disaster should you have put on weight during winters. Belly fat removal
  • Summer means fewer clothes on your body that makes those few pounds of excess body mass visible. As you would want to walk around with confidence in your favourite summer attire, it is time to shape up your body. Winters are full of feast and festivities. Even a strict diet follower tends to deviate from his health-conscious mindset and go astray on a path of a high-calorie diet. And the result is, we end up putting up weight and that becomes a point of real concern when summer is just around the corner. The big question, how to fix the problem? Do not worry! Lipofreeze Edmonton is here to help you get your summer body, now.

Lipofreeze / Cryolipolysis Edmonton

  • Lipofreeze /Cryolipolysis Edmonton, also known as Body Contouring, is a form of non-surgical localized liposuction treatment that is applied to remove excess body fat from select body areas like inner thighs, hips, arms, chin etc. without incisions or injections. The treatment is carried out with the help of instruments/ devices by placing them directly on the skin areas targeted to remove excess fat from.
  • Cryolipolysis also was known as Lipo freeze2u is a technique where fat cells are broken down with cold temperature treatment. With the help of devices, the skin area is given cold treatment in the range of +4 to -11 °C that causes fat cells to freeze and become dead. These fat cells then are flushed out of the body by normal body phenomenon.

Positives of Cryolipolysis Edmonton

As a preferred substitute for surgical liposuction treatments, Lipofreeze or Cryolipolysis has many positives aspects.

  • It is a good option to get rid of excess fat for those people who are within healthy weight range, however, still, have unwanted fat on certain body areas.
  • As compared to surgical liposuction techniques, Lipofreeze or Cryolipolysis is low-risk with a low rate of complications. As the skin is not incised, the risk of complications like infection, scarring etc. is ruled out.
  • Destruction and removal of fat cells from the body ensure long-lasting results and lesser risk of regaining the weight.
  • You need not take day-offs from the work for and post-Lipofreeze or Cryolipolysis as it is a non-surgical operation and does not require hospitalization.

As Lipofreeze Edmonton offers you a low-risk non-surgical with lesser complications, give due consideration for going for this treatment to get back in shape. You can adopt or continue with your health and fitness regime as Lipofreeze will help you claim your summer body faster and in a relatively safer way. You can get to your favourite beachwear and smart casuals this summer. All you need to do is, call up spas offering Lipofreeze and book an appointment to discover a confident cool sculpted body.

Contact us today to find out more!